Remember Weary in your will

After looking after your family and deciding who else you would like to benefit from your will, you may wish to consider leaving a gift – known as a bequest – to the Weary Dunlop Foundation to help improve the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families through the medical research that we support.

Each year, the Foundation awards grants to research projects across Victoria.


How to make a Bequest to the Weary Dunlop Foundation

1. Determine which type of bequest is most appropriate for you

There are a number of different ways you can remember Weary in your will. We encourage you to consider which type of bequest is most appropriate for you –

  • A percentage of your total estate
  • The residue of your estate – this means what is left of your estate after providing for your loved ones
  • A percentage of the residue of your estate
  • A specific dollar amount
  • Items of value (such as real estate, shares, etc.)
  • Life insurance policies and annuities

2. Update your will to name the Weary Dunlop Foundation as a beneficiary

We request that you use the following wording in your will should you decide to make a bequest to the Weary Dunlop Foundation:

I make this bequest free of all deductions to the Weary Dunlop Foundation, of PO Box 5444, Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079,
ABN 92 536 010 060.

I request that my bequest be applied to the general purposes of the Weary Dunlop Foundation and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Weary Dunlop Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.

I nominate the Weary Dunlop Foundation to receive:

  • The whole of my residuary estate
  • __________% of my estate
  • The sum of $ ___________
  • Property, real estate, shares, etc. (include details)
  • Other (include details)

3. Inform the Foundation of your intention to make a bequest

A simple form is provided below for you to complete and send to the Foundation. Alternatively, you may wish to inform our Community Liaison Officer on 03 9496 2598 or email

Thank you for your support.